
Mods for your VX1.

New magnetic encoder
A new magnetic encoder for the Vectrix VX1 is NOW available. Orders are accepted. The preparation and manufacturing time of the KIT is approximately one month. Please contact us at evectrix@gmail.com.
So far the encoder we have available for the VX1 is a RENCO optical encoder. These encoders have major drawbacks. Dirt, they must be maintained periodically. Fragility. Small deformations of the fragile metal disc render the encoder useless. Precision height positioning and centering tools are needed for the change.

The new magnetic encoder has no mechanical moving parts. It does not accumulate dirt. It does not require maintenance.
You can see the piece with only 44mm in diameter and with electronics in a protective metal cover. Fully sealed to IP68.
New firmware for the MotorController is included in the new encoder pack. Includes improvements in the curve of torque and powers. The bike feels lighter with a happier ride.